I Often Wonder About Myself...

Monday, November 7


Inside My Mind: Caution! Flying Objects!

Ever watch those time-laps things in school? Like in science when we learned about photosynthesis and all that crap we had to watch videos of growing plants and the plant went from a seed to a 150 year old oak tree in 2 minutes… Well, sometimes I feel like bits and pieces of my life is being recorded and played back over some kind of time-laps like that. It’s like you feel like everything is dragging on and on and on but then the next minute you turn around and 2 years are gone! Seriously! Where does the time go?

*Watching time go right out the window* ~ Linkin Park

Sorry, musical moment. Anyways! My day got off to a nicely messed up start! I can think of about 5 better words for that but I don’t know the age range of my non-existent readers! But somehow it ended a little nicer. Branden thru his nightly fit, Alicia turned into an angel around 7:30 thinking she would get to stay up later than Branden, and Josh crashed out on the couch watching football highlights with hid daddy. Awwww, gag me! Tried to wake him up but I think I am going to leave him there. Maybe I will fall asleep all sprawled out and comfy. That is if I can fall asleep…

So I have just spent forever and a flippin day on Themeworld.com trying to find a good new theme for my PC. Oh the joy! So I did find one and I am cool with it. It is late, I am tired, and I need to be up in a little bit to start the week and the school day routine all over again. Ah, the joys of parenthood. With any luck I will feel better tomorrow morning when I wake up. I have had a sore throat and sinus crap for 3 days now. Yuckie!

Well, I am out for now!

~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~

12:54 AM
0 Peoples Feelin' The Love

Leave Some Love / Read The Love
