I Often Wonder About Myself...

Monday, July 12



Last night, I lie in my bed, silently, tears streaming down my face. The ever so familiar burning pain of my bad back tormenting my every thought. Luckily I had the support of a loved one, and the mentality that *pain is temporary*. After an hour of excruciating pain, it let off and allowed me slight freedom.

Ok, so I totally sounded like a retard! LOL I could write a well spoken book and not sound like a HS drop out..... Maybe? Yah think? Any rate, So i am pricing trips to NY. I really want to go home! I miss the actual seasons, the leaves changing, the smell of the air, the peace and quiet of a small town. So Amtrak wants $352.50 for me and the kids. Not too shabby! South West airlines wants like 160 each way, per person. I can easily save up for it, but now I will seriously need a cell for up there. No way no how and i taking a train for like 2 days and not have anyone to talk to! Then, I am so not going to rack up grandma's phone bill.

So if anyone wants to loan me a cellie......Let me know!!!! I have a pre-paid phone, but $10 only gives you 30 minutes talk time. Yeah, not happening! Oh well, I will figure something out. Maybe I can get a job or something. Yeah, and do what with the kids? LOL Anywho, I should prolly go now. Luv You All Dearly!


~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~

12:33 PM
0 Peoples Feelin' The Love

Leave Some Love / Read The Love


Friday, July 9


......Uhg, Uhg, and more Uhg......

So yah know how everyone has their own tell tale signs of stress, and the beginnings of a breakdown. Yeah, well, Today *as I force fed myself* I realized I am way too stressed out to think, eat, or function on a normal level.

I am hungry, but I cannot find it in myself to eat! I hate it when that happens. I try not to think about things, but I am a mom. It is my job to think and worry. Plus there is like a million and one things that are on my mind, but sucks to be you, b/c for once I have deemed them too private for my blog. LMAO!!!

On a depressing note...
We took Branden in for his speech evaluation the other day. Well, I knew he was a little behind. But not for one second had I ever imagined how far exactly that was. He is at like 2 yrs 5 months........And now they want an OT eval b/c they are thinking he has sensory intergration disorder.....dont ask!

So on that note...I have to go clean, I have mad company coming over this weekend!


~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~

4:21 PM
0 Peoples Feelin' The Love

Leave Some Love / Read The Love


Sunday, July 4


This is mine, written and thought by ME! So no stealin it!

Would You...

If I cut all my hair off
And Gain some weight
Become a yoga freak
And learn to meditate
Go on large shopping sprees
Every now and then
How would you feel?
Would you love me then?

If I wear thick glasses
And big baggy clothes
Get lots of tattoos
And pierce my nose
Have a drink
Maybe here and there
How would you feel?
Would you still be there?

If I became sick
An incurable sort of sick
Got hit by a car
Recognizable, by far
Became an old lady
Rude, crude, and snide
How would you feel?
Would you remain by my side?

I would for you...

~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~

11:15 PM
0 Peoples Feelin' The Love

Leave Some Love / Read The Love
