I Often Wonder About Myself...

Monday, November 14


Kids Worry Too

One thing that parents will never understand is that there lives have a significant impact on their children. Parents, when your children are late coming home, or you are unable to track them down, don't you freak out and start to think the worst after a while? Well allow me to let you in on a little secret we kids have been hiding from you. WE DO THE SAME FU#*%NG THING!!!!

Yeah, kids worry about their moms and dads all the time. Without our parents we would have less than what we need and want. Children woun't give you the saticfaction of knowing differently but, we hold a lot of what our parents say up high. We do care what you think and say, to an extent, but we do care. You are our parents for crying out loud.

My mommy and I care VERY close. We know more about eachother than we care to ever know in a lietime. My mom is my best friend, the one person I know I can talk to and she will listen and give me her opinion. Now I may not like her opinion and that's when I will tell her where to go, but that is the beauty of our relationship.

Anyrate! When I can't get ahold of mom, I freak, I call hospitals and police stations. I call her friends, well he 1 friend whom happens to also be my friend. And she knows I worry like that. So why the hell does she do things to piss me off? Yesterday she was drinking and called up our mutual friend and told her how piss ass drunk she was and she needed to go to sleep. Well, K is all like, well ok I will call you in a little bit to see how you are. After that she couldn't get her on the phone. She calls me and tells me what had happened and all I can think of is the fact that mom had some Xanax left and if she was that drunk and took them then she is fucked.

So me and K both redialed mom's number for over an hour and she never answered the phone. So K got in the car and went over there. Mom was passed out on the floor. And now she is fine. But this wouldn't have happened if the guys she was dating wasn't such a liar. This guy is a real catch let me tell you. So yeah, he shows up at moms last night and mom told me that she would call me is she could later. I was all like oh hells no! So I called her a million times and she took the phone off the hook just to spite me and K. Now she is annoied at the very fact that we a shit about her.

It will be all good in about a week or so. Or until I kick this guy in the balls and sick my uncles on his dumb ass!

~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~

10:28 AM
0 Peoples Feelin' The Love

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