I Often Wonder About Myself...

Saturday, November 8


Time To Vent.........

I finished the most recent Harry Potter book.....Now I have to wait God knows how long to read the next one.
Next on my list...
My Mom, She is constantly making me feel like a bad mom! She thinks I yell at Branden too much and hides behind his ear problems. Well guess what. He is not deaf! I am sorry if I don't want him playing with things he knows he is not allowed to play with. Sorry if I have told him a hundred time not to do something and he knows not to do it but does it anyways! I DO NOT want him to turn out like me! Mom was so slack with me that when she did say no to one thing or another I got pissed off, retaliated, and eventually learned how to minipulate her. I am NOT proud of this mind you. I just don't want BJ to be catered to his whole life and when someone (me or not me) says no to him, he gets pissed and ends up being a vendictive little shit head. But then when I miss something she is so quick to say *Melissa stop him! He'll break his neck* or something like that. I am so sick and tired of people telling me how to raise my family. I know mom screwed up with me and is trying to make it right thru them, but get off it already people,. This is MY family and not YOURS. You had your shot and now it's my turn. I will never, ever leave my children with Josh's mom nor will they eevr see her for more than a few minutes at a time. She completely fucked her relationship up with my family because she is a controling troll! I really got tired of her. I told her a million times to leave my family to me, but her stubbourn, pigheaded attitude got the best of her, as if she were challenging me, seeing how far I would let her go. How chilish is that? BJ doesn't even do that crap anymore! But I have a issue with it. My mom is my mom and I will take her telling me shit because in a way I am supposed to. She can talk down to me and adbvise me how to do things but that is what she does, she doesn't demand I change my ways with my chilren, nor does she spank, yell, or raise them for me. She turns to me on what to do with my kids....even at her house! Take that you troll bitch.......(lynn)
Ok, I think I'm done now

~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~

7:20 PM
0 Peoples Feelin' The Love

Leave Some Love / Read The Love


Friday, November 7


Ok, So there are no new links yet!

Anywayz! Branden is having surgery next Friday!!!! He has to have tubes put in his ears and his adenoids taken out. What fun that shall be. They *were* going to do his tonsils too but that changed realy quick. Josh is having fun at work. Bossin people around and all. The chef is ordering his company coats (w/ his name on them) and his business cards. Since when have sous chefs been issued b. cards? LOL Oh well. Alicia is smart as hell! Let me tell you. The morning is kinda hard for me because they are waking up about the same time now. So I get her bottle and she is on the floor rolling around by now, anfd she just sits there and feeds herself! So that is great for me b/c I can run around and get the coffee goin and get BJ changed and fed. By the time I am done with what I have to do she is done eating and get this! Burping herself! LOL She rolls onto her tummy and after a few minutes she will let one out.

On a dimmer note! One of our fishes died 2 days ago. I think he thought some of the gravle was food b/c I think he chokked to death on a piece of it. The other one looked like he was ready to kick it too, but I cleaned the tank and watched him for a while, and he started to swim around more. He is the lazy one though. Always just floating around not really doing anything at all. I thought he was dead like 50 times already. Well, I guess I should stop depressing yoiu with all the death crap. I really do have to get goin now.
Randy.....You suck!!!!!!!

~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~

11:19 AM
0 Peoples Feelin' The Love

Leave Some Love / Read The Love
