I Often Wonder About Myself...

Monday, June 21



I am sure you have all heard of Karma. Well, there are several different views on Karma. One is the Eastern Philosophies. This states that a soul must be reborn a number of times until, basically, they get it right. It also says that if you are a *negitive* person in your past life, then your soul shall carry a karmic debt in the next. Now I get this e-mail from some wacko (I hope she is) internet psychic. She says she has an urgent message. Well she goes on and on about like nothing then says the reason I have such shitty luck is because I have *karmic debt*.

What would you think of this????
So I guess I was like this really mean person in my last life or some life before it. That is, if all this Karma stuff is true.

Also, recently my great aunt passed away. She was/is my mom's aunt. Well, I have had family members *pass* before her, but none of them were as close to me as she is/was. But for some reason (maybe it's denile)I am not as upset as I thought I would be. I cried, yeah. But I didn't slump into a great depression, nor did I flip out when my grandma told me. I don't know what this means. Have I become a heartless biotch? Or do i (subconciously) know she is MUCH better off where she is, or that I will see her again? I don't know....just something that was on my mind.

But I have to go call my sissy now.....I love you all......I think??? LOL


~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~

8:28 PM
0 Peoples Feelin' The Love

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