I Often Wonder About Myself...

Sunday, July 4


This is mine, written and thought by ME! So no stealin it!

Would You...

If I cut all my hair off
And Gain some weight
Become a yoga freak
And learn to meditate
Go on large shopping sprees
Every now and then
How would you feel?
Would you love me then?

If I wear thick glasses
And big baggy clothes
Get lots of tattoos
And pierce my nose
Have a drink
Maybe here and there
How would you feel?
Would you still be there?

If I became sick
An incurable sort of sick
Got hit by a car
Recognizable, by far
Became an old lady
Rude, crude, and snide
How would you feel?
Would you remain by my side?

I would for you...

~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~

11:15 PM
0 Peoples Feelin' The Love

Leave Some Love / Read The Love
