I Often Wonder About Myself...
Sunday, March 28
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.................
Anywho! So Branden is a little better. He went down GREAT for me last night. COuldn't believe it. Didn't get a headache or anything. Just took his bath, went in his room and said night night mommy! I was all like "Who are you and what have you done with Poochie"? LOL
Ummmmmm, went driving around looking at houses with mom and Tom yesterday. That was cute. Josh is mad at me too! I guess b/c I sleep so damn much and make him put away the clothes that were laying out for like a week! WTFEver.DOn't have a whole hell of a lot to say, so I guess I will end it at that!
~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~
1:22 PM
0 Peoples Feelin' The Love
Leave Some Love / Read The Love
Monday, March 22
So I guess I am back to sporatic bloggs?
Right now i am juggling a few different relationship issues (that are so not mine). Just some classic girl meets boy, love blossoms, blah blah blah and then shit starts to happen. Also, conclusion to BJ: HE'S JEALOUS! I did a lil trial and error bs with him right? Well, when Ali isn't in the room he is calm and somewhat obays me, well, as much as a normal 3 yro. That and he has a lil separation anxiety going on with daddy. So in a nutshell he is a bit on the hyper side but is ok otherwise. Just needs more one on one attention than he has been getting.
On to me? Well, I figured that since I have successfuly been passing UCF courses for my friend (cough cough) I am going back to school. If not for the education aspect then so I don't look like a HS drop out forever! LOL No seriously I wanna learn. Screwed up huh? All I did in HS was skip and fluff off, now I want to go to school! I have forgotten simple Algebra and it's driving me nuts. Those of you who know me know I am not the type to be dumb or come off as an idiot. I talk kinda smart and I can most definatly write well. So w/e!!!!!!
Kids are good Josh is good, I am stressed and good and everyone else is GREAT, FREAKIN FABULOUS!
~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~
5:44 PM
0 Peoples Feelin' The Love
Leave Some Love / Read The Love
Friday, March 12
So yeah....It's been a while. We took Branden to the doctor the other day b/c he has been acting like a weirdo. So his doc thinks he is either ADHD or Bipolar....WTF is that about?????? I mean, it makes complete sense but why him and why that. He also gave him a medicine to make him go to sleep at a reasonable hour. Not midnight. Worked great the first two days, but then lastnight he was fighting it hard core dude! So we argued and I won.....well, kinda sorta. And he was asleep by 10:30ish.
The the doc said he is a lil behind on potty training. Which I knew, but he was really mad about it. He told us to seriously buckle down and gave us some tips on reward systems. Worked great the first 2 days, but now he is a terror with it. I hav4e to practically drag him in there and put him on the toilet. Then, his rewards have turned into coaxes and stuff. I have to get him in there then give him a few M&M's and a soda or something so he will stay on the pot. Then when he's done, instead of treats we yell and party and sing. It is working a lil bit. We'll find out in a week or so.
So Josh has him in the mall bathroom the other day and he is trying to get him to go pee. Well, BJ has this thing about people touching him when he is busy. So Josh was trying to get his hand off the garbage thingie and was telling him no it's yuckie. Branden starts yelling *NO!!! Don't touch it!!* A few guys in the bathroom starting talking and Josh got all pissed and all and took him off the potty. Kinda funny but lucky no one was all like I'm calling the cops or something.
Alicia is getting ginormous and really bratty. Katie had her baby on the second and they are all good. I guess thats it for now. Love ya'll.
~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~
12:49 PM
0 Peoples Feelin' The Love
Leave Some Love / Read The Love