I Often Wonder About Myself...
Sunday, March 3
Well do I have stuff to tell! I joined this website club thing...Clubmom.com wich will eventually be added to my links up top. I was in dire need of mother to mother contact with people me own age. No offense to all my buds out there or my valued readers (lack there of) but I don't have any friend my age with kids! And ya know what!? I met a few people that really have their shit together! I thought, for the longest time, that I was one of the only teen/young moms that was this maternaly mature. I met a local girl who is 22 and she has a baby about a year younger than my BJ. Well anyways, she is cool and a good person and a good mom. I feel like a hipocryt ( <---? ) sayong it, but truely how many other people have you known of to get their stuff together and take responsability for the child they brought into this crazy world?
I am not trying to sound like the worlds only level headed young mom, because I'm not, not the only and not all that level headed. When it comes to Branden my world changes and so does my maturity level. I am a mom and thats that. I didn't loose any adulecents, or miss out on anything at all. When I need a break I can name 10 people who would take BJ for a couple of hours. Granted most of them live in the Orlando area, but it's true. I have friends even if I say I don't, I do! I just don't have anyone to relate to on this level. I had this dream, I thought that I would have a friend for life that would always live near by and we would get married and have kids and always be around eachother. It didn't happen and I'm not upset, but come on! I am completely socialy secluded! Now I'm not, but I was...Better go for now...TTYL!! wish me luck with my hunt for more moms my age !lol
~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~
11:09 PM
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