I Often Wonder About Myself...

Sunday, February 24


I slept peacefully thru the whole night lastnight for the first time in years!!!!!!!! I wole up and wanted more!! I was so happy......I got up and laid next to Josh on the couch until I knew I would pass out again if I didn't get up....so with that I made coffee and had a banana. I have all these plans for the day since I am awake and feel good. But I know I need to pace myself or I'll be worth nothing in like 3 hours...lol...

So on another note.....Eddie had me doing some of the easiest yet frustrating stuff yesterday.....but it's done! I am so bored! I need some friends and something to do other than cleaning and stuff....I have been reading a lot! I am on the last book of the left behind series! yay!

Mom and I had sooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun last night!!! We were on the internet for like ever laughing our butts off at people's profiles! It's sounds mean but it really wasn't! I swear! I laugh at my own sometimes....It's just really funny how peop;e word things sometimes and how you can often wonder what they were on when they wrote their profiles! lol so anyways! we were doing that until 9pm and I had only slept for 2 hours the night *morning* before so everything was hysterical to me!! Ya know what I'm talking about, right? when you are so tired you can't really sleep or you're so exhausted you are beyond tired and sleep is the furthest thing from your mind and you just laugh at the stupidest things! I'm sorry...maybe it's just me but Thats how it goes.....I should go now! Love all you guys...have a great day!!!!! We cheat on Sundays right? lol

~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~

2:43 PM
0 Peoples Feelin' The Love

Leave Some Love / Read The Love
