I Often Wonder About Myself...
Thursday, November 15
Ok... SO Josh pulls another all-nighter lastnight *good and bad* Good because he got up with Branden and made me coffee, bad because eventually the sleep deprivation caught up with him and he slept the afternoon away. I just like spending time with him on his days off and him sleeping got to me... I did, however, go to bed at like 10pm lastnight and got up at 9:30!!! I haven't slept like that since I was pregnant! I slept all lot then... untill the baby kept me up all night playing soccer with my bladder! LOL I swear sometimes it was like a scene out of a allien horor movie! All you would see is this big round tummy and then an arm would come creepin across, then you would see his toes by my ribs *thoughs of you who know me know I am a very small person... Like annie... So he was a very promonent figure* I used to tickle his feet so he'd move them and I could breath for a minute before he put them back! He was smart even in the whomb! I poked him and he poked me back. I know it sounds mean but the doctor told me that if he got up in my ribs and I couldn't breath then I should move him GENTLY! I wouldn't do it for the longest time... Then, one night I couldn't stand it anymore and I did it and me and my unborn child had our first fight. But he's the cutest kid in the whole world. I love you all and need to go to sleep, so on that note... SWEET DREAMS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!!
~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~
1:26 AM
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