I Often Wonder About Myself...
Monday, November 12
*In a whining, sobbing, annoid, frustrated, tired tone*
I am so tired! Why am I so tired? Why are my $25.00 acrylic nails coming off already?
*ok... normal voice*
life is such a challenge these days. Yesterday I was at publix and saw some flowers for $9.99... I never got flowers for anyone before... So I bought them for Josh. 1/2 dozen red roses! I was so excited! Then I stopped to think... *do gilrs buy roses for guys?* No matter the answer... I did it, and he liked them. So anyways... Why is it that when I want to go somwhere... Only mom is the one to take me? I mean come on now...! What am I suposed to do? Get into my invisible car and just drive away??!! I evy my 9 year old sister, because when she turn 16 she'll get her car *or my dad's* and go where ever she damn well pleases! I called aa nial salon and they aren't busy and they take walk ins... But Josh is all like I have to leave in an hour. The place is not even 5 minutes up the road but I am not about to walk down Bruce B Downs!!! To all you guys in Orlando It's the equivilant to 50! Well maybe 436... 50 is kinda ghetto... But, you see my point right? Anyways I must go and de-funktify myself in a nice hot shower:) Bye for now.. Love ya guys
~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~
2:06 PM
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