I Often Wonder About Myself...

Monday, February 16


Let's recap.....

Woke up, in pain. Got kids out of bed, fed kids, played with kids. Saw kids turn from angelic creatures to psychotic weirdos! Wondered why my house is not clean, then remembered. Talkeds to my grandma, who might I add was actually a big help for a change. Grandma reminded me that I am one person in a house of kids, a dog, and a man! LOL She said my mom always had a clean house b/c I was a spoiled little only child and mom had no life.

I guess I don't have my mom's *I will be Joan Cleever* thing goin on. I mean come on! How fair is it to have a family and not split the household shit? Men get their days off and women deserve them too. Now sissy on the other hand.....I dont know how the hell she did it!!! Girl! WTF is your secret.....other than day school after age 2? Oh I don't know Stinky?

So anyrate....Ali has another tooth....She is on her second! LOL We started the Biter Biscuits. I can't stand watching them grow up, yet it is such a fullfilling sight. I mean everything you see them do, hear them say, makes you realize they learned it from you. Which can be bad! No, but my babes are the best! I really can't complain, although I do on a fdaily basis. Mostly b/c I think BJ is out to get me! 3 year old! sheesh.

I have rambled enough I think.... " Save a horse, Ride a cowboy "

~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~

10:48 PM
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