I Often Wonder About Myself...

Saturday, May 4


Well, I was doing really good with writing all the time....What happened? Oh well, i had the strangest day! It all started at like 1 am. I had to go to walmart and do some shopping. I walk in the door and there is a boat sitting in the middle of the damn lobby! I looked at it, looked again, and went *HUH??!!* So I do my shopping and go to the check out line *after a few heated discussions with someone...Clears throat* and there is a yellow mustang convertable next to the checkout line at the other door!! By now, I was waiting to see a plane or something. So we get home, I have BJ and J goes to open the door into the house. He steps back, puts down the bags and says don't move! I was all like ok?.....He picks up a tree branck and chucks it at the door. I figured there was a big spider or something there. So I move up a little and say what is it.....no answer....HELLO!? It's a snake...ok...A WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOO, he starts throwing stuff at it and telling it shew...teah, that helped. Eventualy the snake went away. But i was all freaked out. My dogs had to go out and I just looked at them and said. Don't ask me. lol So I am all depressed. My great aunt has cancer again. On another note! A friend of mine is letting his ex move in with him because she split up with her man. Hmmmmmm? Can anyone else guess what he's probably thinking? I can't talk about this now! lol Why is it that my friends are better friend to others than me? Why is it when I need someone, when I need a hug and a shoulder to cry on, no one is there? They are too busy helping others. This is why I should just give up and become a completely heartless bitch! UUHHGG!! I hafta go now. I need to cry and I am doing it alone. AND! I hafta do it before Josh gets home so I don't hear the whole why are you crying thing again!!!! I can't stand him!

~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~

5:39 PM
0 Peoples Feelin' The Love

Leave Some Love / Read The Love
