I Often Wonder About Myself...
Tuesday, November 27
SOme of us are going to spend the rest of our lives trying to figure out what it all means. Some will go trying to fingure out what we are suposed to do, be, or look like. Some people are so comfortable just trying to please others, that they don't have the time to please themselves...
I have been all of the above... I wanted everyone to love me and respect me and think I was smart or beautiful. I spent years of my life wonder what God wanted me to do. The answer came to me one day when I woke up and didn't care anymore... I had friends and family that would love me no matter what I was, did, or looked like. I knew that. Armed with love and friendship, I set out to concour...
I saw that even though I am not as religous as I used to be and as much as my friends are... That I will live for today and God will lead me in this journey we call life. I know that he wouldn't put me through something unless he KNEW that I would overcome. I have been through some really *and we're talkin' REALLY* bad things in my short 20 yrs alive. But now I just look back and see that those hard times have made me stronger... and they taught me something.
I learned that people that say they love you will love you no matter what you do say or how you act. I remember one summer... I was upset over a breakup and decided to cut my hair up to my chin. I called a few friends *freaking out about my hair and yellin how ugly I now was and how my hair now made me look stupid* and both of them said the exact same thing *If you shaved your head bald, I would love you the same*... That summer I found love in people other than family, I found out that I could love someone and tell them that I loved them if they weren't family or a guy I was nuts about. Since then I have had the same few friends in my life.....
I don't try and please everyone anymore... If I meet someoe and we talk and then they still like me after they see who I am... thats great, they then know what good friend I can be and that I am honest and caring to those who love me. I am so in love!!! I love life and I really don't want to leave anytime soon, and that my friends is how we should all feel.
I get so frustrated when I hear about people not know how to be happy... You don't need anything other than love, love for life, love for a higher power, love for those around you. You need not to please everyone in the world. Please God... Please Him by living life to the fullest. No one will ever figure out what He has planned for us, when we pass to heavan we will know, but until then there really is no way. The only advise I can give is to just be happy, as long as His children are happy, He will be happy... and that my friends is love, life and the persuit of happiness.
~Melissa Willey~
~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~
10:25 PM
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