I Often Wonder About Myself...

Tuesday, January 8


Lastnight, I was thinking...Maybe I should write a book?! Or at least try to...I mean come on! What else will I do all day? I have no major plans! I have no *job* other than mother-hood and and the tasks that follow. But there is one problem...What do I write about?!?!?! I thought long and hard about it and thought that if I pick one era of my life, I could write a good book! But what part of my life is the most interesting? What part of my life will people find comedic, yet, sad *good sad*. That my friends I am stuck on. I am not trying to go for the auto-biography thing, it'll be written from someone elses point of view. Isn't that third person? *LOL* It could start off something like
September 6, 1981 Hialeah, Florida
A baby girl has entered the world...

Yeah I know...Sounds dull...But hey I bet every person that has ever tried to write a book has come upon some trials and errors. But whatever...It'll probably never happen.I'll write for me and see where it goes. But for now...I need to shower *eeeeeeewwwwww*

~ Love * Love ~
~(~@ ~M~ @~)~

2:31 PM
0 Peoples Feelin' The Love

Leave Some Love / Read The Love
